Terms and Conditions:
By enrolling in any of the programs provided by Medical Aesthetic Mentors, LLC, you are required to agree to the following terms and conditions. Enrollment within any of our programs acknowledges that you agree to these terms, which may be changed, unilaterally by Medical Aesthetic Mentors, LLC, without notification and without your subsequent approval. Any changes made to the Terms and Conditions will uniformly apply both retroactively to all course enrollees as well as proactively to all course enrollees.
Refund Policy
A full refund will be given if a student cancels 30 days prior to the class start date. Once the class date is less tha 30 days from the request for a refund, there are NO refunds.
In lieu of a refund, a student may apply the purchased course to any course provided by our company but must be applied within the SAME Calendar year. For example, if you sign up for an October course in the year 2020, the funds must be applied to any program we have before December 31st, 2020. Starting the new year, those funds can no longer be applied.
Once a course is attended, there are no refunds
Every course requires a minimum enrollment. Should that enrollment not be reached, and that course is cancelled, a full refund will be issued to you.
State Laws
The student has the full and total responsibility to ensure that anything they are learning to do is within full compliance of their license and guidance of their respective State Medical Board. Our company does not, by any means, warrant that the procedures you are learning can be performed by you within your state as per the conditions of your license within that state. All students are suggested to check the state laws of their respective states and their Medical Board/Licensing Authority.
Models may not sit in the actual teaching component of the course.
The Instructor maintains the right to not have a model participate if the Instructor has any concerns about their presence in the program. The Instructor’s decisions are final.
All courses must be paid in advance before a student is allowed to attend.
Waiver of Liability for All Claims
If you bring a model or models/volunteers to the course for the purpose of treatments, you, the student, are assuming full legal responsibility for any adverse outcomes that the model may experience. By attending the course, you agree to fully and forever hold harmless, from any legal proceedings, claims and/or actions, Smooth Skin Care, LLC, any and all of its Instructors, owner[s], representatives, associates, agents, vendors, affiliates, assistants and staff for any alleged issues and or claims made in relation to [a] the program and [b] any event[s] related to treatments shown or treatments/procedures performed within the program. Further, should an adverse event or less-than-favorable outcome occur, the student has the direct responsibility of assuming all care and subsequent follow up for that individual. The student also warrants to hold Smooth Skin Care, LLC and its Instructors, owner[s], representatives, associates, agents, employees, free agents, vendors, affiliates, assistants and staff, and any business associations of the owner, associated holdings, and/or realized or unrealized gains, totally and completely harmless for any alleged issues, allegations and/or claims made in relation to any information, policies, procedures, consents, consenting process, literature, verbal discussions, language selection, business decisions, business practices or any other facet of information sharing which is performed [a] during the actual program as well as [b] with respect to any form of communication either before or after the program.
Course Material
Any and all of the material distributed and shared during the program are considered intellectual property of Medical Aesthetic Mentors, LLC and may not be shared, in any format, without the express written approval, in advance, by Medical Aesthetic Mentors, LLC. The course material distributed is meant to a base or information, and is not meant to answer any and all questions which you might have. In addition, Medical Aesthetic Mentors,, LLC neither claims, nor implies, by any means, that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date, nor should the material be seen as the authoritative text on the subject matter. Photography of the material is not allowed unless for mission is specifically granted by the instructor. Violation of this no photography rule may lead to the attendee being expelled from the program and no refunds will be given.
Classroom Integrity
The Instructor has the right, without the need for explanation, to expel any individual whom, in the Instructor’s opinion, is deemed to be disruptive or disrespectful to the learning environment which is vital to our courses. In as such, the student expelled will not be given any degree of refund nor will they earn a certificate. In addition, they may be barred from taking any additional courses with our company. The decision of the Instructor is final.
All parties agree that the Laws of the State of New York will be followed and that Westchester County, NY will be the location should any legal proceedings occur. The student also agrees that any and all legal costs and attorney fees incurred by Medical Aesthetic Mentors, LLC in it’s defense, shall be the full responsibility of the student and any party or parties, on their behalf, which brings forth any actions against Medical Aesthetic Mentors, LLC and it’s owner, representatives, agents, affiliations, employees, free lancers, staff, vendors, associates, web hoster, and any additional entities or individuals associated with Smooth Skin Care, LLC.
No Authority
All parties agree that the material presented in our program will be seen as non-authoritative.